How to practice gratitude everyday?
Gratitude is not a new found emotion. The art of expressing gratitude has existed for centuries. We all mug for appreciation and acknowledgement. It is through simple acts of appreciation; you can practice gratitude. Gratitude is, being thankful for the small and big things and also for all the perceptible and imperceptible things in life. […]
Do you really need Monday motivation to motivate you?
Every Sunday, I think and plan about my Monday. I have varied thoughts about how my Monday should be. There is always a mental to-do list ready for how I will begin and end my Monday. had the same thoughts and feelings last night. I was ready to write off a not so great week […]
Here is what all love relationships need!
Love is the bond that engulfs all our relationships. I am not talking about just the love between spouses or couples, I am talking about love in any and every relationship. Our relationship and the equation of love depends on the kind of relationship we share with someone. In every relationship the primary emotion is […]
No screen time vs regulated screen time.
No Screen Time or very little screen time is something I hear all the time. As parents we are constantly working towards limited exposure to gadgets for our kids. Some of us believe in using screen time positively for our kids too. We all are also well aware of the ill effects of increased time […]
How does one find their moment of calm?
Everyone keeps talking about the moment of calm. We are all looking to find that moment of calm amidst the worldly chaos. All of us are not only running a race against time, we are also running a race against our own thoughts, wants and desires. The social media has taken over our lives like […]
Desi moms have some peculiar characteristics and the best ones are about food.
Food is the epitome of our desi universe.Being someone who plans her meals well in advance, I couldn’t agree more on how khana and khilana effects the desi moms the most. Desi parents have an entire weekly menu well planned in advance. The grocery items that our mothers stock could easily help you set up […]
Tips to control your growing emotions before they control you!
There are days when I feel content,happy, positively emotional and highly energetic. Suddenly, without much ado, I soon get engulfed by dark gloomy clouds that arrive without a warning. I am instantly surprised by the quick shift in my emotions. People around me are taking shelter under the blanket called lock down. It has become […]
Check out these Bollywood Celebrities’ Instagram grids.
The night that the lock down was announced, I was all set to go watch a Bollywood movie.The entertainment and the dhamaal of a Bollywood movie is what keeps me going week on week. In fact during almost all the weekends of my pregnancy, I have sat in a movie theatre enjoying a Bollywood movie. […]
Avengers teach you how to be strong Avenger style.
Avengers are loved by all and in this blog,they teach you how to handle the lock down situation. A good read for you and your kids
Is it easy to beat social distancing blues by being positive
I guess I have enjoyed my solitude of social distancing long enough. One menstruation cycle long, to be precise! My solicitousness began to eventually wear off from things that weren’t imperative. Eventually I decided to put all my energy into things that were actually imperative. I began to look for exhilaration in the perfectly round […]