Tag: thoughts

Being yourself is the most natural thing to do, but is it really easy?

Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken!” … Oscar Wilde We see so many posts across the social media platform that push you towards “being yourself“, Then we also see people, leaders, businessmen giving speeches and motivational talks on how to be confident and how to push ourselves beyond the boundaries. Often to have an […]

Staying positive everyday in these tough times may not be easy. Here is how you can do it.

Thinking about positive things is easier when you are giving someone an advice. It is an advice that is extremely easy to share however equally difficult to practice. We all want positive affirmations that everything is going to be ok. The current world situations make my faith in the magic of optimism, quiver! Just when, […]

Spilled the Tea

I spilled tea today,not that I have never spilled anything but it’s just that I am usually careful in handling things. I take great pride in being able to multi-task, in being able to function sometimes as per clock!! I’ll tell you more about how I spilled tea.Mornings are usually occupied with breakfast rituals and […]

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