Top Foods For Monsoon.
Every changing season brings with it, its own set of excitement and worry. The excitement for the rains is the most, thanks to all the glamorization that has happened over centuries. The excitement I believe is on a new high especially regarding food. Rains and the number of cups of tea one consumes seem to be […]
10 and more tips for weight loss.
Weight has been my favorite topic to discuss about myself. I can give you a few ways on how to loose weight and stay fit and I can even give you more ways on how you can gain weight. We often practice various exercise forms to keep ourselves fit and to loose the slightest of […]
Some food items that are known not to expire..Really?
We all love to eat and then there are some like me who live to eat. Food can make everything good, at least for some time. Food can have some amazing healing properties! We all know about a lot of wonder foods thanks to our mom, grand moms, great grand moms etc. With all the […]
Depression is REAL! How you can help?
Depression is like an uninvited guest. It will visit you whenever it wants. Here is a write up on how you can help someone deal with it.
Can PUBG make you hostile?
If 20 years ago someone told me if I would want to play a video game, it would be an opportunity seized and conquered. What we played then is nothing compared to what children play these days. Recently at a meeting, I was asked if social media was a natural occurrence in our lives. It […]
A few tips to manage your mood swings.
I often feel I need a class on anger management or mood management given the random sparks of anger I have every now and then. When we usually pile up more than we can eat, on our plate such bouts of anger and irritation do creep in.This also happens when your plate is empty or […]
How you can help someone come out of the closet?
I usually just scan through the daily newspaper for the happenings around the world. One such article caught my attention and what better way to talk about it than putting it down here!! Helping someone handle a situation or an experience in life is different. Helping someone come out of closet can be a completely […]
A few tips on how to be happy and laugh out loud. Lol!!
We all have out unique way of laughing.Some of our ways are so unique that we have memes and videos around it. We seldom slip into a phase where we feel our life is robotic and boring.Laughter is a vital part of your mental well-being.It’s important to laugh and be happy not for your social […]
Surya Namaskar – The best salutation to your body.
Surya Namaskar literally translates to “bowing to the sun.” It is a combination of 12 yoga asanas, where the body, mind, and soul are brought into complete harmony They are done in sets, some do 12, some 15, while some 30 depending on their endurance.As mum’s we hardly are able to gather time to do […]
Journey to Health starts from you.
I’m among the few who live to eat. I love good food, whether its preparation of it or eating it. Luckily the art of cooking was inherited by me and thankfully my son enjoys his limited choice of food too. My husband on the contrary eats to live, he does enjoy good food however we […]