Why BYJUs is great for JEE preparation
One of the most common threads among some of the famous Indian CEOs, Businessmen, and Entrepreneurs across the World is that they are all from the IITs. They have successfully cleared the JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) and clinched a seat in some of the most prestigious institutions in India. But not every student is equipped […]
3 things that helped me strike a chord with anxiety
My anxiety would often touch the roof! With overthinking accompanying it and me often forgetting about the important stuff, it had to be tackled. I know my thoughts are not a faucet that is switched on or off. Subsequently, I knew that I had to take action rather than just thinking about it. The deal […]
Just when it was coming along, the relationship ended!
Relationships are heart-warming, beautiful and yet overwhelming. They warm up your soul like no other but when a relationship ends, it tears you apart. It shatters your goals and dreams into pieces so small that sometimes, its tough to rebuild the relationship again. Just when I thought that my dreams would materialize and I would […]
Book Review – Kintsugi: A Novel.
Women are often known to be the weaker sex. No matter how progressive the world becomes, women are expected to sacrifice and adjust despite all odds. It’s funny to know that men are attracted and fantasize women who are strong and independent. Yet being in a relationship with women who want to protect their own […]
Simple and easy breakfast meals that you can plan beforehand!
It is close to six months that we are working for home and from home and it’s been one roller coaster ride. As much as I love eating and cooking, I am beginning to say a silent prayer for my weekly breakfast meals to magically appear. Whether you are a working parent or not, ensuring, […]
The easiest white sauce pasta recipe.
Pasta is a pick me up kind of recipe for most of us! I am not very fond of pasta but I love making it for little one. The best part about pasta is that you can experiment with the sauce you use to serve it with. Often, I turn veggies like pumpkin, carrot, beetroot […]
Monsoon is the best time to eat these food items.
The monsoon being in full vigour in Mumbai are literally making my food and diet routine go for a toss. Additionally, it’s super tough when you have a work station set by the window and have an olfactory function that works more than a hundred percent! The diffusion of the aroma of food being cooked […]
A little preparedness will help you cross the bridge, when you come to it!
I have often heard this saying, ‘we’ll cross that bridge, when we come to it”. I have probably even used it and acted accordingly on days when my urge to procrastinate is the strongest. This idiom describes the bridge as the problem and crossing the bridge means, solving the problem. There are a lot of […]
Why I think Messi exiting Barcelona is the right thing to do?
Messi joined football at the age of 13 and has continued to play for only one club all his life until recently! Sounds a lot like relationships and people right. As humans we do everything in our capacity to nurture and strengthen our relationships and our career. Messi has always been considered as the Main […]
“Mumma, I am very anxious to go back to school after Corona”!, said my six year old.
“Mumma, I am very anxious and nervous to go back to school after Corona”! These were the exact words of my six-year-old when he overheard me talking about schools re-opening after the Corona -lockdown. The Covid-19 pandemic bought with it many unprecedented and unwanted changes. Corona caused a mayhem nobody could ever fathom and now […]