A few tips on how to be happy and laugh out loud. Lol!!
We all have out unique way of laughing.Some of our ways are so unique that we have memes and videos around it. We seldom slip into a phase where we feel our life is robotic and boring.Laughter is a vital part of your mental well-being.It’s important to laugh and be happy not for your social […]
Entertainment Diaries.
Disability is something no one ever wishes to have. God has certain plans for us that we can never decipher. This post is not about what is wrong and what is right. It just expresses my opinions in something I believe. I believe in looking at the optimism in a given situation.
Is death really the end?
A lot has been said and written about the famous celebrity chef, Anthony Bourdain passing away.It is always surprising when someone successful and famous decides to end their life. It makes me wonder why do people, who are so famous, so talented decide to end their lives? Are they no longer in need of their […]
Her Womb, Her Choices, Really??
I rarely browse through the newspaper. The reasons are too many, the major one being, unable to remove time for it from my mommy hood schedule. The other one being that, it depresses me sometimes to read through various hideous acts that get committed so casually. Being a woman, feminism comes naturally to us and […]
Think Big, Start Small
Have you ever been so stressed that you felt like smashing something was the only way to get rid of that stress. As mothers, we all are well aware of the feeling that resonates with, “pulling your own hair and running away”. We are sometimes overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that surround us that wanting […]
Weekend Muse
Life is extremely unpredictable.I say so with experience.Make the most of what you have..Be thankful and be happy.Always keep faith no matter what!!
Share your story.
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and for that matter even my blog page asks me, to share my story with them!! Ahh haan!! Before a tech geek jumps out and tells me that’s how the app is designed and goes blah blah, let me tell you that having worked with computer systems, apps and various other gadgets […]
A thought lost in thoughts
Seldom, things, experiences, people’s behavior, makes you wonder if it could be different, this blog is about one such thought.
A Thought Worth A Thought!!
One person cannot really change anything except their own self, their own beliefs, habits, their perception of things and their own thoughts. We’ve seen/heard/ read about a lot of people who have individually done multiple, in fact repeated acts of kindness. These people are teachers, doctors, sports people, roadside vendors, some are educated and some […]
Ponder over it
Often in life, we are left wondering about a lot of things, somethings we know the answers to, some we choose, not to seek answers for! A few of these thoughts have crossed my mind randomly and I never really searched for the answer to the many “whys”, that did pop up. May be someday […]