Know how you can easily use positive discipline for kids.
I was slightly rebellious as a kid. It was my mum who had the tact of using positivity and discipline together. As an adult too, if you command me to do something ( well, except if you are my boss) I may not do it wholeheartedly. However, if you request me to do it, I […]
Some fun ways for kids to spend the summer in quarantine
The summers are meant to be all fun and frolic. I have always associated summers for vacations and getaways. Conversely, this summer vacation is being spent in quarantine. For sure, this quarantine is going to extend beyond the summer vacations.Summers were meant for creating memories and being outdoors. Our outdoor movement has become restricted to […]
Here are somethings you need to know about ADHD in kids
We are all special and unique. This specialty in each of us seldom leads us to have a special brain. This special brain can cause a condition called ADHD in kids. As adults we tend to forget certain things sometimes, get fidgety or loose our chain of thoughts. Likewise,it is absolute normal behavior in kids […]
Read this to help prepare kids for post lockdown days.
In this lockdown, kids too, have a certain peculiarity of calmness and restlessness that blends into one. I am sometimes wondering if time is flying on a fire bolt.The only way to differentiate between weekdays and weekends is when you are able to snuggle in the bed longer. Once you are able to slide out […]
Tips to control your growing emotions before they control you!
There are days when I feel content,happy, positively emotional and highly energetic. Suddenly, without much ado, I soon get engulfed by dark gloomy clouds that arrive without a warning. I am instantly surprised by the quick shift in my emotions. People around me are taking shelter under the blanket called lock down. It has become […]
Constipation in kids can be tackled with these food items.
The lock down has sure turned out to be a time for experimenting. We are experimenting food the most. This experimenting with food can impact our kid’s little tummies too. This phase can lead to constipation in kids. There are certain foods that agree with their little tummies and some that don’t. Definitely, the availability […]
Are you planning to have another kid? Read this then!
Kids are the epitome of their parents world. In the current situation of the lock down, kids need utmost care.Definitely in situations like these, it always helps when you have more than one kid in the house. When you have a large family to support you, it’s always easier to raise more than one child. […]
Night Time Anxiety is Real. Here is how to deal with it.
As a child when I couldn’t fall sleep I would be asked to count sheep and I definitely would asleep within minutes. Conversely when I fast forward my life to the current day, I am engulfed with anxiety more at night. There are days when I am exhausted, overwhelmed with fatigue and can see my […]
This pandemic you need to stay safe and healthy.
Pandemic situation has hit us all hard. The current battle seems like, it will be a while before it improves. We are duty-bound to practice social distancing from our loved ones. The act of love and kindness are more virtual than physical in this pandemic. The corona virus however is helping all of us build […]
5 ways to use spoiled milk. Minimalist life!!
Stocking up on groceries seems like a cumbersome task during the lock down. Ensuring none of the groceries including milk are not spoiled is,another! We are household that still gets milk delivered to our house. Considering we are now practicing social distancing, this has definitely changed. The need for milk and milk products definitely hasn’t. […]