It’s OK to not make fresh meals for your family!
As a mom, and a maybe as a woman, we are often expected to dish out delicacies and are judged on our cooking skills. It doesn’t matter how educated we are or how successful we become, certain households will still judge you and raise questions of the list of meals you can whip up. They […]
The best lessons I learnt from Enid Blyton books.
Books are my gateway to the enchanted land, to the land of musings for the wanderer in me. I can feel happiness flooding through me the moment, I enter a book store. I feel like Harry Potter at Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Books are an assortment of emotions for the one who reads them.They never […]
A brown girl’s thoughts!!
“I don’t want to be out in the sun for too long”, said, my six-year-old because then I would turn dark and the statement made by him made me immediately narrow my eyes on him. The obsession to be white skinned is world wide and its funnier in India because right from application of chemical […]
We cannot reverse our age and time.
Can I ask time to slow down, no I can’t. No one can!! It would be stupendously amazing if there was a time travel or a time control that could ever happen. Then I would keep my little boy little for even longer.I expressed the same desire to my little one, to which he replied, […]
Pull my leg but remember to fix my crown too!!
“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you give to your fears”. I received this message earlier today among the many messages that received during the day which were full of wishes for woman’s day! Days like valentine’s day, women’s day, mother’s day, father’s day and a lot many […]
Communication is the key
I often hear people saying that how they are unsure of what their child would feel or how they would react, if they told them a certain thing. Parents often worry too much about children’s reactions over various matters. There are various books and research available on child behavior and understanding.In a way its great […]
I am my own inspiration!!
On an insanely busy monday, I decided to try and fit in writing a new blog post.Not that I couldn’t, but monday is usually set for more hectic things, its apparently considered to be the start of new week, new things etc. I had been ploying with the idea of covering few topics of self-improvement […]
The 100th Blog Post
I kept pondering over what my 100th blog post is going to be about and I couldn’t really pick a genre. In the process of becoming better at blogging, I have endeavored to better my writing skills. I have also tried to add value to the knowledge I am imparting through my blogs. I am […]
A few tips on how to be happy and laugh out loud. Lol!!
We all have out unique way of laughing.Some of our ways are so unique that we have memes and videos around it. We seldom slip into a phase where we feel our life is robotic and boring.Laughter is a vital part of your mental well-being.It’s important to laugh and be happy not for your social […]
Parenting Lessons from a Game!!
I almost picked up a toy to fling at him.He was driving me nuts right all through the day.He had unfinished meals, had cried three times for 20 minutes each, only because I gave him no for an answer!! Phew!! What a day it had been, I had, had to cancel a meeting because by […]