A thought lost in thoughts
Seldom, things, experiences, people’s behavior, makes you wonder if it could be different, this blog is about one such thought.
Traffic Jam Moment 2
Traffic Jam Moment 2 Nah I’m not a person who enjoys traffic jam, no, not even when I’m travelling in an A.C car!! But these traffic jams always have something to say to me! You sure would have seen bikes, cars, trucks, buses zooming past you while you are on your way […]
Daily Prompt: Irrelevant
via Daily Prompt: Irrelevant She toiled all day and still slept for lesser hours compared to the others, Her feelings at the start of the day and when night fell in, were eventually irrelevant! She was raised as a princess and now she ensured her house looked sparkling like a castle, Yet again her opinion […]
The Traffic Jam Moment!!
Observing people and your surroundings can be a fun thing to do. That’s what I did when I was stuck in a traffic jam.
A Thought Worth A Thought!!
One person cannot really change anything except their own self, their own beliefs, habits, their perception of things and their own thoughts. We’ve seen/heard/ read about a lot of people who have individually done multiple, in fact repeated acts of kindness. These people are teachers, doctors, sports people, roadside vendors, some are educated and some […]
Rain Rain Make Us Care!!
Wrath of the rain gods! I read a headline on the news channel this afternoon, whatsapp messages poured in from various friends, frantic phone calls to family to check on family and friends…breathing a sigh of relief knowing everyone is fine and is on their way home through help from colleagues, friends and even strangers! […]
Bless us Lord Ganesha!!
This is something I wrote a few years ago and never really posted, I had written it for someone I really respect, just the way we are supposed to respect each and everyone! God causes menace!! Now now, wait till you pounce on me and issue an order against hurting public sentiments…well that’s not my […]
Don’t Forget To Smile :)
Cleaning your wardrobe and arranging it can be a really time consuming task however the pride you achieve once you are over and done with the task is massive.The neatly arranged clothes, the de-cluttered racks, such a feast to the eyes. So through one such de-cluttering session, I came across a diary that was given […]
India, Please Liberate Me!!
We attained independence 70yrs ago. There are people who risk their everything to protect us. Their wages and benefits might be way lesser than what some of us get. Let their efforts not go in vain. Educate someone, feed someone, protect someone, be honest with someone, help someone!
The Last Morsel
At a party or at a hotel, at least once we have glanced over people’s plates and an over filled plate is definitely not a pleasant sight.What grabs your attention is a beautifully arranged plate.Similarly don’t over fill your life with tasks and duties that don’t need your attention or just because someone is too glad to pass it to you.Make your choices!