Tips to handle the meal struggle in kids
As mothers, we often find ourselves struggling with the biggest task of our lives.Nah I am not talking about raising kids, well that’s a task that never will end and neither do I want it to end. Parenting is fun, one great experience, accept when it comes to feeding them food. I have seen kids […]
The make-up must haves in my bag!!
We all love festivities and Christmas happens to be the favorite season for everyone. It’s definitely a season to make merry, go for holidays, attend a lot of parties and spend time with family and friends. While some of us are a pro at make up and dressing up and while come of us always […]
Travel Advice for Parents!!
Who doesn’t love a little get away from their mundane routine? It’s always good to take a break from your busy schedule every once in a while. Planning a vacation for self and planning a vacation with kids can be like “two poles apart”, kind of a thing. You definitely want your child to enjoy […]
A little insight on various aspects of writing!!
It’s wonderful to see how technology has continuously evolved over time. The fantastic part about technology is that it has given you multiple opportunities to capitalize on. I remember as a growing up teenager my career options were limited. However, now when I look at the diverse options in any given field, I am amazed. […]
How to be successful at Entrepreneurship?
I’m not a motivational speaker or a celebrity however as an entrepreneur who has learnt and grown, I am sharing my tips through this blog post.
How you can help someone come out of the closet?
I usually just scan through the daily newspaper for the happenings around the world. One such article caught my attention and what better way to talk about it than putting it down here!! Helping someone handle a situation or an experience in life is different. Helping someone come out of closet can be a completely […]
A few tips on how to be happy and laugh out loud. Lol!!
We all have out unique way of laughing.Some of our ways are so unique that we have memes and videos around it. We seldom slip into a phase where we feel our life is robotic and boring.Laughter is a vital part of your mental well-being.It’s important to laugh and be happy not for your social […]
Is your baby’s sleep schedule off track every weekend?
Weekends are always days to laze around and relax. However this change in schedule often affects your child’s sleep schedule too!!
Have you covered your home loan yet?
We all dream of buying a house at some point or the other however the harsh fact is that it’s not easily achievable by all. Buying a house or investing in a property needs planning and a lot of saving. We all have bought life insurance policies to secure future for our loved ones and […]
Things to look out for before buying baby skincare products.
A mommy and a blogger is a great thing to be.Like spiderman says, “with great power comes great responsibility”.This responsibility also means spreading the knowledge you gather. For all those who have followed me on instagramInsta Id and are a part of my friend list on Facebook will definitely know about the product launch I […]