Tips to make choosing a career easy, for today’s teens!
Life is a roller coaster ride for everyone. As teens we enjoy the thrills of the roller coaster ride but as adults we begin to feel the nausea of the ride going haywire. As adults we want to get of the roller coaster and get on a ride that has inbuilt amenities on it. As […]
How to allow screen time positively to kids?
We all know of the effects screen time can have on us and our kids. In my previous blog, I wrote about how you can limit and control screen time with kids. You can read about it here Keeping that ideology aside, we all know that our kids are living in an era controlled by […]
Here is how you can take charge of your emotions and anger.
I am an extremely emotional person. I can love you for the simplest of things that could go unnoticed by others. I could also get upset with the slight change in your tone when you are conversing with me. My sensitive nature has also taught me how to camouflage my feelings when I have to. […]
Effective Tips To Help You Pick The Right School For Your Kids.
It hence, becomes extremely vital to choose the right path for our kids.Choosing a school can be a tedious process for parents with multiple facilities and options available. The competition is at its peak always when it comes to choosing the right medium for our kids. As parents we however need to rise above the […]
Hidden time killers and how to manage them.
Our adulting life is basically divided into three large categories, WORK, FAMILY and FRIENDS, where work takes up most of our time. You add travel time to work and you subtract a few hours of me time and you have a perfect solution on how to be overworked. I often wonder how life would be […]
Little ways to woo your woman.
The, “new year, new me” resolution seems a little to cliche to because we one cannot change overnight. You need to make changes to your behavior gradually and the changes you want to make need to come out of self-realization.What if I told you that instead of becoming a new you, you may want to […]
This is how social media is causing you more harm than you know.
There should be a day dedicated to reply to all the new year and good morning forwards one receives almost everyday in the first week of the new year. Technology is a boon for us all. There are hardly any flaws I can find with the digitization of the world. From having almost anything delivered […]
Here is your guide to help you plan you holidays in 2020…………………………………..You are welcome!!
I totally feel this year is already flying by on a Firebolt broom. It is zipping so fast that sometimes I wonder if time is trying to finish a time bound marathon. Every year we make plenty of resolutions, some work and some vanish into thin air. The time, effort and energy one puts into […]
Quick Investment Options before the financial year ends.
I have almost spent the last six months taking advice on where and how to invest my little savings.Now the calendar year is almost coming to an end however the financial year still has some time to come to a closure. After a lot of research and speaking to friends who have invested money, speaking […]
5 Ways to Celebrate The New Years.
The year is going to end in just about two day!!. Every year I tell myself that it’s amazing how the time has flown by. Time really flies doesn’t it, well, I am sure we have all seen those tiny clocks flying with wings right? Do you also remember the movie and the apprehension around […]