4 Toys that help kids stay easily engaged for long!
Toys and kids are synonymous. There is a toy out there for every kid. All kids are different and so are their interest. The best part about the progressive world is that there are variety of toys available for kids out there. Toys that suit their interest and toys that help build different skills. A […]
Manage your Anger before it decides to manage you.
We all have mood swings every now and then. It is when these mood swings turn to quick anger outbursts, is when they get worrisome. Anger is an emotion that needs management, when it really gets out of hand. It is really funny sometimes as to how easily I blow my top off these days. […]
What’s causing you those constant headaches everyday?
Headache can literally break you! Imagine that thwarting feeling in your head that makes you very queasy. The feeling like someone just got inside your head and is blowing a really loud trumpet along with badly mismatched drum beats! Phew! Describing that feeling is enough to give me another of those headaches that I have […]
How to make FRIENDSHIPS last forever?
Friendships are the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali If I said, friends are a blessing, it would be an understatement. My fondest memories are of friends and friendships. We […]
Realizations to ponder on as the world prepares to unlock.
The world is preparing to unlock from the lock down. The pandemic is as determined as the dementors in Harry Potter, to suck out happiness from the world. Despite the unfortunate happenings, we are all determined as a fierce warrior to give it a good fight. We all have had some major realizations during this […]
How to practice gratitude everyday?
Gratitude is not a new found emotion. The art of expressing gratitude has existed for centuries. We all mug for appreciation and acknowledgement. It is through simple acts of appreciation; you can practice gratitude. Gratitude is, being thankful for the small and big things and also for all the perceptible and imperceptible things in life. […]
Online shopping Vs Retail. Who wins?
Shopping…the word itself is like sunshine. Its therapy for most of us. for ages we have indulged in retail shopping and now we online shopping taking the lead. Shopping doesn’t necessarily has to be clothes, it can be shopping for anything. Being a full-time mom who works from home and out of an office, I […]
Learning life skills through everyday chores.
As I look at my little man shooting like a tree and hoping around the house like a money, I wonder how soon time flies. I ponder of the little everyday life skills and tricks that he has picked as a little human! Seldom, some of these skills amaze and yet, there are some skills […]
Wonder why your toddler doesn’t nap sometimes?
You have probably heard and seen many battles. Have you ever tried to but a toddler to nap against their will? If you have then you would know what it feels like to be in a battle field. Here’s the deal, I try and analyse reasons why some toddlers and kids just won’t nap and […]
Do you really need Monday motivation to motivate you?
Every Sunday, I think and plan about my Monday. I have varied thoughts about how my Monday should be. There is always a mental to-do list ready for how I will begin and end my Monday. had the same thoughts and feelings last night. I was ready to write off a not so great week […]