Surya Namaskar – The best salutation to your body.
Surya Namaskar literally translates to “bowing to the sun.” It is a combination of 12 yoga asanas, where the body, mind, and soul are brought into complete harmony They are done in sets, some do 12, some 15, while some 30 depending on their endurance.As mum’s we hardly are able to gather time to do […]
Need Help With A Crying Baby?
We all are digital mums and mums of the gen-next. We are mostly able to find answers to all our questions through Google or some online community. We are often trying to hold our calm and practicing being gentle mums. We are propagating gentle parenting and I absolutely concur with it. However, there are various […]
Few Options Of Home Decor 🏩
I have always loved cafes, cottages and hotels that have a mixture of the antique and modern in their decor.While I adore the lamps, the wooden furniture, the brick wall look, the giant windows, I am not a fan of huge paintings.Framed quotes, one liners and thoughts always inspire me.Being a bookworm,.I adore bookshelves with […]
Things to look out for before buying baby skincare products.
A mommy and a blogger is a great thing to be.Like spiderman says, “with great power comes great responsibility”.This responsibility also means spreading the knowledge you gather. For all those who have followed me on instagramInsta Id and are a part of my friend list on Facebook will definitely know about the product launch I […]
How not to Procrastinate?
We all love to procrastinate, don’t we? We have been hit by the procrastination bug at some point or the other .We all have suffered by the hits of procrastination but how do we avoid not to procrastinate? We all have certain tasks and duties that need attention. Some are more important than the others, […]
A quick look at some of the Work From Home opportunities.
We all love fancy offices, fat pay cheques, the opportunity to interact with diverse people and most of all being in superior role. With every changing designation at your workplace, comes with it, its perks and its shortcomings. When I decided to switch to being a part of an entrepreneurship , I decided to put […]
How we overcame the Writing Blues?
While I was growing up I realised my life was a movie in itself and the almighty was the director. My family and friends played the role of supporting actors. There were elements of humour, romance, horror, thrill and adventure. There were some days when I think I would have won the critic award too […]
Journey to Health starts from you.
I’m among the few who live to eat. I love good food, whether its preparation of it or eating it. Luckily the art of cooking was inherited by me and thankfully my son enjoys his limited choice of food too. My husband on the contrary eats to live, he does enjoy good food however we […]
Parenting Lessons from a Game!!
I almost picked up a toy to fling at him.He was driving me nuts right all through the day.He had unfinished meals, had cried three times for 20 minutes each, only because I gave him no for an answer!! Phew!! What a day it had been, I had, had to cancel a meeting because by […]
The “wild card entry”.
They say when life gives you lemons, make Margarita. But do you think you can make the Margaritas alone??