How to make the online classes easy for our kids.
We had our first official online class today. The sonny boy definitely enjoyed his online classes. Let me tell you a secret, I was more exited and anxious for the class than he was. He sat through the class while fidgeting with his toys. I was the one who was repeatedly asking him to look […]
What should you talk to kids about?
Our kids are like sponges. They absorb everything they see and hear. How we talk to our kids, what we say to them makes a great impact on them. The words we use when we talk to kids has the power to enhance their personalities. Parenting was not as widely discussed until a few years […]
Read this to know how Dance and ADHD are interconnected.
Dance is a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement.Dance is also known to cure and ease stress, and anxiety. Additionally it is known to help in cases of ADHD too. People have often been heard saying dance your way to life. Dancing is nothing but the movement of human body […]
This is the year to try to home school our kids.
Ever since the lockdown started, I was sure about how I wanted my little boy to spend his day. While, I didn’t home school him every day, I did plan a few activities, I wanted to do with him. These activities involved recaps of his school curriculum. Some of these daily activities also included his […]
Craving a midnight snack? Here is what you should eat.
My professional day usually begins past midnight. You can blame it on creative juices flowing only during the dark hours just like the dark arts.While I am concentrating on making the most of these quite, non-baby babble times,I hear my stomach grumbling and rumbling. I soon have to pause the flow of my creative juices […]
Everyday motherhood in a funny nutshell
Parenting is like having to play a Quidditch match as a muggle born.You surely have heard all about it but get to experience it only when you experience motherhood. I have always been surrounded with people who were carrying heavy buckets of advice and help. However being a novice to motherhood, the entire experience was […]
A quick, wholesome and refreshing salad recipe.
I am confident that the last two months of the lockdown have had some impact on our entire being.Therefore as a result, we have eaten food that we otherwise refrained from. Well, you can blame it on the ever changing hormones and the stress that quarantine bought with it. Come the month of June, I […]
Why we are yelling at kids and how to manage it?
As a child I never liked being yelled at. It’s another story that my parent’s rarely yelled at me or my siblings. My mom would only and only yell at her kids, when she was really frustrated. Dad always had a way with him just making eyes at us and everything was accomplished easily. I […]
Did your folks suffer from parental guilt?Were you the victim of it? Yes,then you must read this.
Being a parent is no less than being a superhero. We are always expected to save the world,be funny, entertaining, look great and be adventurous as well. Along with being a great superhero who is available at their every beck and call, you need to have and unlimited supply of patience, love and optimism. There […]
Desi moms have some peculiar characteristics and the best ones are about food.
Food is the epitome of our desi universe.Being someone who plans her meals well in advance, I couldn’t agree more on how khana and khilana effects the desi moms the most. Desi parents have an entire weekly menu well planned in advance. The grocery items that our mothers stock could easily help you set up […]