Best lessons from parenting that can make you happy too
Parenting is indeed a life changing journey. I mean besides your struggle to get a good sleep and a little human poking your sides, everything else changes. There are so many lessons you pick up while being a parent. For example, you learn to tread on dark waters carefully because you never know which toy […]
Your child falling sick more than few times, could be normal!
As a parent, my biggest worry is the health of my child. It gets worse when my child is falling sick more often than other kids. I have always believed in the fact that every child is different and each child has a different immune system. However, I become a frantic parent as soon as […]
Does the display of affection towards kids need to be age appropriate?
We always want to cuddle and hold our children. The age doesn’t really matter, we want to continue with the hugs and kisses. Kids need affection at every age I believe, only the kind of affection needed changes. As mothers I think, we can never really get tired of showering love and affection along with […]
One pot meal to save your day ( days)
I absolutely love simple and easy to prepare one pot meal. I love how its can be an amalgamation of veggies, meat and you can use all sorts of pastas and rice to make them. All that you need to do for these one mot meals is to choose what flavors you want to play […]
Teach your child to say “NO” without turning them into a brat!
Kids teach us about many things. We, however are always teaching them to say yes.I often find myself saying “No” to my child for things that I believe do him no good. Yet, there are times when I am surprised when I hear my child say “No”. We as parents are accustomed to giving orders […]
Work skills that companies look for in their employees.
The lockdown has definitely got all our routines jumbled up. Our work skills have been impacted too. While I manage to showcase time-management, flexibility and multi-tasking even now, yet some of my work skills need revamping. Employers are always looking for people who have a good work experience and a great educational background. That is […]
India was appreciated for their contribution during Lock down.
We never imagined a world where everyone would be locked in their houses. It had never occurred to us that our daily grind would be paused for a while. Never, in our wildest dreams did we imagine that the world would be engulfed with something as dangerous as COVID. People stayed locked up with bare […]
Why couples fight and tips to help you make up.
I am someone who is content with the amount of marital bliss bestowed on me. This however doesn’t mean that couples don’t fight at all. I have a doting partner who doesn’t shy away from appreciating me, in person as well as on social media. As far as I am concerned, if my strength permits, […]
The Casino – A series that will keep you hooked until the end.
The lockdown has entrusted me with many more tasks that I can manage as a parent. My initial thoughts during the lockdown phase were about managing some time for myself. There is indeed a huge library of content to stream that is available now. I usually take recommendations from family or friends on trending shows […]
6 Bedtime drinks that help you fall asleep easily.
Every time I think that the world is soon going to start healing, some new wound pops up. For most of us bedtime is meant for relaxing and unwinding with a drink. Conversely, these days, we have an unwanted visitor at bedtime. I don’t think I have ever battled with anxiety this long. It’s funny […]