A thought lost in thoughts

Ever since I wrote about the traffic jams, I can now never really imagine it as just a traffic jam! All the lessons that I learnt about life and work over the years seem to have a new perspective all together. Some of my troubles, peoples’ attitude in general all seem easy to handle. I mean how difficult can it be to pass through a traffic jam, you eventually do get to your destination, it’s only the journey that seems horrendous for a while.

Then there are days when I’m not in the traffic jam, when I’m caught in gridlock of my own responsibilities, the prime and the most favorite one is, being a mom. This bond on certain days makes you shut the world around you, you tend to focus on the only being you partially created and rest everything takes a backseat.

It’s through these taking a backseat days, I bumped into a confrère (associate) who on realizing I was the same caste/religion as theirs, exchanged a few extra pleasantries! The same night, my better half, who is habitually better than me, narrated an incident where a similar thing happened. He also told me it’s been a frequent occurrence for him, where he has noticed that as soon as people realize you belong to the same religion as theirs, there heart opens up furthermore, just for you.

Funny, strange, crazy, sickening!! I couldn’t really find an adjective to describe what I was made aware off! There are off course incidents where we take help of our native language to converse with someone considering the fact that they or we are more comfortable using a particular kind of lingo, but this, this didn’t make sense to me! So if I was Ram, you would use Gujarati, Marathi, Sindhi or another language except Hindi to communicate with me, if I was a Rahim, you would talk to me in Urdu or exchange greetings in Arabic and if I was Robert, you would converse in only English. (I personally think, given the current scenario, none should be Ram Rahim)

Having the benefit of being able to communicate in different languages is definitely a boon; it sure assists you personally and professionally. However switching over to a particular parlance just because the other person is of the same caste as yours, that’s being partial. Aren’t we all humans first, aren’t we supposed to be nice to each other, otherwise too! Remember the Indian pledge, wouldn’t you be nice to your brothers and sisters. Wouldn’t you treat everyone equal and with courtesy?

So in whatever lies your happiness do that, but do not discriminate, we have enough discrimination based on gender, looks, body weight, color, educational qualification, caste etc etc. We need to be there for each other and stand in solidarity because the world is falling apart at a rate that is faster than we had ever imagined!




9 thoughts on “A thought lost in thoughts

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. I loved how you incorporated traffic jams as well as language. This is extremely relatable here as well where religion is not the only factor that will cause people to accept you or shut you out. Sadly, in addition to beliefs, it’s also how much you conform to the majority culture. Meaning, that something as simple as the way you dress can leave you out.

    I really enjoyed reading this. I hope you write a follow-up post.

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