Book Review – Kintsugi: A Novel.

Women are often known to be the weaker sex. No matter how progressive the world becomes, women are expected to sacrifice and adjust despite all odds. It’s funny to know that men are attracted and fantasize women who are strong and independent. Yet being in a relationship with women who want to protect their own identity, seems demeaning to them.

The world expects women to mend and adapt easily, yet no one is really willing to mend what’s broken within. Kintsugi, as quoted by Wikipedia, is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery  By mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered goldsilver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique. It mends the breakage in an object rather than camouflaging the damage. The art of Kintsugi basically propagates the acceptance of flaws and imperfection

Have you ever looked at the moon and criticized its flaws? Did you ever raise eyebrows about its uneven surface? Conversely, the moon, is always used as a metaphor for beauty and love. Women too, are a reflection of strength, independence, love and respect and love!

Kintsugi: A Novel, written by Anukrti Upadhyay, is not just a portrayal of women and their lives. It’s a beautiful ode to the uniqueness that surmounts us humans. It’s a fantastic depiction of how even though broken, each of us can be amazing in our own ways. A dazzling story teller, who weaves magic through her lucid style of story telling, Anukrti, keeps you gripped across all pages. Much like its title, this fascinating novel takes you through the lives of its characters Haruko, Meena, Leela, Yuri, Prakash and Hajime; as their lives even through slightly entwined with each other, are yet very different. They go in their respective directions, sometimes battling their inner wounds, emotions and sometimes patching them up.

I have particularly amazed at how each technique of jewelry making has been described so beautifully in the book. Every time Haruko or Leela is working on a piece of ornament in the book, I have literally used google to see what technique is the author referring to. The surrealness of being in the by lanes of Jaipur, being able to decipher the aroma of the sweets and savories being sold is something you want to experience. Each character, accepting their brokenness towards the end of the chapter seems like such an easy thing to do.

Additionally, there are moments when you seem to be longing for a better closure to relationships or emotions however I believe, that’s what defines each character. Overall, Anukrti keeps you gripped through the entire book, taking you through the lives of each character. There are moments when you stumble upon untrodden path yet it makes for a entertaining read.

I love the message that the author conveys, that broken is beautiful too. This year has broken in more ways than one. A read that not just portrays women differently but also teaches, that not everything needs perfection, is actually perfect!!

Written by a woman, Kintsugi outlines different phases that every woman will relate to. It has sharp, sensible writing, a gentle approach and the subtle sweetness of rebellion. A book that is special to me for more reasons than one.

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