Why change of routines this lock down is making me happy?
The lock down has been a roller coaster ride for most of us. The initial feeling of this lock down was excitement, happiness, togetherness and a lot more. We went from eating out to eating at home. We all experimented with restaurant like cuisines and desserts along with playing family games. The whole experience has […]
Realizations to ponder on as the world prepares to unlock.
The world is preparing to unlock from the lock down. The pandemic is as determined as the dementors in Harry Potter, to suck out happiness from the world. Despite the unfortunate happenings, we are all determined as a fierce warrior to give it a good fight. We all have had some major realizations during this […]
Read this to help prepare kids for post lockdown days.
In this lockdown, kids too, have a certain peculiarity of calmness and restlessness that blends into one. I am sometimes wondering if time is flying on a fire bolt.The only way to differentiate between weekdays and weekends is when you are able to snuggle in the bed longer. Once you are able to slide out […]