India was appreciated for their contribution during Lock down.
We never imagined a world where everyone would be locked in their houses. It had never occurred to us that our daily grind would be paused for a while. Never, in our wildest dreams did we imagine that the world would be engulfed with something as dangerous as COVID. People stayed locked up with bare […]
My Thoughts on Languages Vs Dialects Saga.
Time flies when you are with old friends….and it’s even more fun when you poke fun at them…it’s a lot better than the virtual poking on Facebook. So here I was spending one of my evening’s helping a friend’s daughter update her work profile as she was applying to some universities abroad, I happened to […]
Simple, Indian Chicken Curry Recipe.
I absolutely love the days when I can slow cook chicken and turn a simple and easy recipe into a delicious chicken curry. As a mom we are extremely skilled at multi-tasking and slow cooking lets you multi-task too 😎 Ingredients for the 🍗 1kg Chicken cleaned and washed 2 Onions finely sliced 4 Onions […]
My Thoughts On The Ayodhya Verdict! 🌺
God is everywhere, taught the teacher to see kindergarten children.God lives in our hearts she taught them the next day and they happily believed.She often taught them about the path of righteousness and about helping one another! The teacher taught them about space and science.On days when certain miracles of science seemed impossible she would […]
3 simple and quick recipes for Diwali.
Diwali itself means indulgence.Indulgence in food and happiness.The vibes of Diwali itself are endearing.You don’t need to belong to a certain sect or community to celebrate Diwali. I have grown up experiencing the warmth, love and richness of Diwali.As I grew up on certain occasions I felt that we became too busy to celebrate Diwali […]
Here’s how you can tackle the forever changing climate.
The shift in temperatures definitely has a huge impact not only on our ecosystem but on our bodies too. In a span of 24 hours I moved from a 5-degree temperature to a 30-degree temperature and the aftermath followed. I think by now across the world, it must be known that the Mumbai weather has […]
Things desi parents said and my reaction to them!
I have always laughed out really loud in my head, when I hear myself say the same things to my son that my Mom would say to me. It is like karma or maybe like the Justin Timberlake song, “what goes around comes around”. I sometimes wonder if we could write a book on what […]
How Sacred Games is similar to Parenting!!
I recently got a Netflix access after some negotiation with siblings on how we equally need to chip in for the subscription. Well, that’s the fun of being an elder sibling, you get to decide!! So being a desi, being a parent who saves money at every possible occasion and someone paying for the subscription, […]
My thoughts on different sports leagues in India.
She is going to pursue badminton as a career,said the parents to their relatives. Some were definitely left flabbergasted at their choice, which involved both, a female and sports. Little do people remember that the empowerment of women began in historic times, where they accomplished almost anything.In recent times empowerment of women and youth has […]
Things to strongly consider when you think of your child’s future.
Travelling, generally brings to you some time for self-introspection. It lets you ponder over things that have been and that will be. I often resort to reading a book, listening to music or making mental notes about things when I am out and about. I am never the one who is driving because it’s a […]