Made In Heaven.
Unsought… Uncouth…Uninteresting!! She fit the above description well. She lived in her own world, a world that she ruled and protected just like a queen. After all she was her parents’ princess. Every girl is! A world where she had her own rules, a world where she dared to dream and be everything she ever […]
Ponder over it
Often in life, we are left wondering about a lot of things, somethings we know the answers to, some we choose, not to seek answers for! A few of these thoughts have crossed my mind randomly and I never really searched for the answer to the many “whys”, that did pop up. May be someday […]
United or Divided
I’m not propagating my ideas, all religions teach to love and stay in harmony just the way sport unites us.
You could be any cast, creed or color and still support your favorite team, then why not support your fellow beings. One for All, All for One
True Love Exists!! Believe it or not!
Being someone who has worn her heart on her sleeve and has seen the ups and downs of relationships, I’m a true believer in selfless love.
A day in my technologically enslaved life!
Addiction involves craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. When we begin doing something,more often than not we know where we are headed.So here I was – Listening to a certain song on repeat! Glancing at the TV screen another moment and flipping through […]
Is Suicide the only way?
One searched for options on how to kill themselves while the other contemplated on how to jump of the bridge. One of them decided on how to stay locked up in a room for days while the other wondered if ending his life was really the end of all problems! Suicide could be the most […]