
“ Boys don’t cry, Oh! You are a strong boy, chalo don’t cry, its ok”. We have all heard this at some point or the other and said this a few times too, if you are a mum to a boy!

Well I don’t have any problems with asking your kid to be strong and not cry and encouraging him/her to face the problem at hand, it’s the gender discrimination that worries me.However gender discrimination is too sensitive and vast a topic for me to discuss at this point of time.Mausam toh dekho!! It’s the perfect weather for hot piping coffee and plain chicken mayo sandwich.

Yeah, it’s the health conscious and slightly firang in me, wanting a coffee and sandwich, instead of chai and pakoras. So while I wait to devour my little snack which is under preparation, let me tell you about something I read behind a school bus (I shall keep the school name confidential) ,it read, “I shall, I must and I will be a winner”. Hmm…who doesn’t want to be a winner, but is winning the only goal we are erecting in these little minds that are so absorbent and pure.

Everyone wants to be a winner, but it’s the path to success that is of utmost importance, it teaches you to fall and to rise up again, it teaches you to accept failures, it teaches you to try and never give up. It teaches you to believe in yourself. It makes you realize that every effort is worth it!

Pre-schools these days have such fancy, upmarket curriculums and activities, which for sure lure the parents into putting their kids into these schools. The every month offsite trips, the food chart (which I approve off) the projects( which are made by parents and grandparents off course) and a few more activities which could end up making me or my child feeling pressurized.

Thoughtfully, I didn’t enroll my toddler into any of these (read -competing amongst whose kid is the best or whose mommy is better dressed) schools.

I enrolled him into a school that is being run for over 20 years because that gives me the assurance of the faculty being experienced.

The school still gives written notices, so that takes care of my child not being introduced to any gadgets, which gives him a break from his gadget craving time.

The school doesn’t force you or your child to enter the class on time, in case your child is crying, which they are bound to, they let your child enter at his/her own will.

In case the parent doesn’t arrive early, the school doesn’t make frantic calls to the parents reminding them that they haven’t arrived yet to pick their child, instead they engage the child in play which helps them get used to the school atmosphere.

Their main focus is to get a child accustomed to the atmosphere of school.  They also make sure that your little one is able to write, grasp and understand what is being told to them and execute instructions if needed.

Our children leave their protected shelters to be with unknown strangers, to build experiences that will hopefully last for a lifetime. An experience that will teach them to accept and overcome their shortcomings. To be  non- judgmental, build friendships and accept changes that come along your way.

The school may not be modern in its approach, but they have an approach that has connected with my child’s heart and I think that’s what is more important. After all, they are little angels (in some case little demons too) who need to learn to love and care, share and give. They need to learn to be good humans.

….And that’s what will make them stronger!!

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