Why I think Messi exiting Barcelona is the right thing to do?
Messi joined football at the age of 13 and has continued to play for only one club all his life until recently! Sounds a lot like relationships and people right. As humans we do everything in our capacity to nurture and strengthen our relationships and our career. Messi has always been considered as the Main […]
How sports add value to your kids
I have rarely been enthralled by sports. I definitely do drool over some good-looking sports players and their skills. Whereas, this outlook has dramatically changed after I became a parent. I began looking at sports as an extremely life altering skill. If you are someone like me, who has been more involved in dance and […]
Winning Is Inevitable!
Celebrating 10 Trophies in 10 Months Winning is vital, for everyone who says that winning isn’t important is still waiting to experience the thrill and joy of having your hard work pay off. Winning may not be glamorous in any other profession or walk of life as it is in sports. When Sportnicians- The Sports […]
My thoughts on different sports leagues in India.
She is going to pursue badminton as a career,said the parents to their relatives. Some were definitely left flabbergasted at their choice, which involved both, a female and sports. Little do people remember that the empowerment of women began in historic times, where they accomplished almost anything.In recent times empowerment of women and youth has […]
A new religion called Sports!!
Kids, in general are very observant and responsive to all that happens around them. Their curiosity and reasoning increase many folds as they grow. Often, our little one asked us why certain festivals were being celebrated? Thankfully his school gives him insight on how and why a certain festival is being celebrated in India. He […]