The black Friday sales and garage sales are massive.They indeed help you pick some great deals on things you have been waiting for however they also leave a little dent in your pocket.\The wait for the sale is like waiting for the rain clouds after a long season of summer. You enjoy the rain only for a short while and once the water begins to clog up, is when you really begin to worry, just the way you begin to get frantic after your shopping cart has been upped by more products you need.

Well, I am definitely a sucker for online shopping as it let’s me browse through my list of requirements without someone hovering over me like a little Halo.

A very famous quote goes about something like this – “Nothing haunts us like the things we didn’t buy”, but what if the things you really bought were not needed in the first place.

Here are few pointers on, “WHAT (not) TO BUY IN A SALE”?


Each cosmetic product has a certain expiry date or best before use date. Picking up a cosmetic from a sale isn’t a good idea because you don’t really know the manufactured date, valid date, until the product has been purchased and delivered to you.


Off course the website lists down the ingredients in a packaged food product when selling online but again you do not know the additions to it until it has arrived. There may be contents you are allergic too. Also, in case you are not intending to consume it right away, the weather conditions may cause harm to the packaged product.


Usually flash sales or end of season sales begun almost towards the end of a particular season. So if you plan to buy something to wear for that season, think twice, you may not really be able to flaunt it for long! Instead, opt for something you can use later, pick something that would otherwise cost more, if not in a sale.Pick for clothes that you can always mix and match and create a fashion statement.

We all love yard/ garage sales but there are a few things that you shouldn’t buy ever at these sales for the simple fact of hygiene and health.

  • Never buy mattresses at yard sales for the very reason that they are used mattresses.
  • Never buy used shoes because even though they are the same size as yours and maintained well, they still have been in contact with someone else’s body.
  • Say no to buying baby products too. Always used a trusted and verified source when it comes to buying anything for your baby.

The best thing to pick up is cutesy and artistic furniture pieces from these yard sales.You can pick some fun looking crockery too.As a parent, I wouldn’t even mind picking up battery operated toys that would otherwise cost me a bomb.

Best buys from an online sale is always electronics, they are cheaper and are always something you have wanted for long.

So go splurge while keeping these tips in mind!! The winter sale is almost here.

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