Luxury and Comfort Imbibed Together
As women we are often expected by the society to juggle all roles equally well. It comes as a relief when a known brand decides to make this journey smoother for you by coming up with a concept that not only takes care of your comfort but also makes it luxurious for you. One area […]
Top Foods For Monsoon.
Every changing season brings with it, its own set of excitement and worry. The excitement for the rains is the most, thanks to all the glamorization that has happened over centuries. The excitement I believe is on a new high especially regarding food. Rains and the number of cups of tea one consumes seem to be […]
We cannot reverse our age and time.
Can I ask time to slow down, no I can’t. No one can!! It would be stupendously amazing if there was a time travel or a time control that could ever happen. Then I would keep my little boy little for even longer.I expressed the same desire to my little one, to which he replied, […]
How moms can make getting back to work easy for themselves and their kids?
I have been a stay home mom for almost all of my motherhood tenure, so when I had to resume work full time ( wait, motherhood itself is a full time job), oops, I mean to say when I had to get back to longer hours of office work, I kept wondering how. There were […]