Practical And Easy Tips To Beat The Heat.
The weather Gods are sending all the heat waves down to keep heaven cool for the good guys. The good guys are surely being able to beat the heat. I wonder how people are surviving in hell considering it’s probably a zillion time hotter in hell than here. Well, hopefully, I wouldn’t have to worry […]
Here’s how you can tackle the forever changing climate.
The shift in temperatures definitely has a huge impact not only on our ecosystem but on our bodies too. In a span of 24 hours I moved from a 5-degree temperature to a 30-degree temperature and the aftermath followed. I think by now across the world, it must be known that the Mumbai weather has […]
Things to strongly consider when you think of your child’s future.
Travelling, generally brings to you some time for self-introspection. It lets you ponder over things that have been and that will be. I often resort to reading a book, listening to music or making mental notes about things when I am out and about. I am never the one who is driving because it’s a […]
Rain Rain Make Us Care!!
Wrath of the rain gods! I read a headline on the news channel this afternoon, whatsapp messages poured in from various friends, frantic phone calls to family to check on family and friends…breathing a sigh of relief knowing everyone is fine and is on their way home through help from colleagues, friends and even strangers! […]