A parent’s attempt to explain the national situation to her child.
I may not be very learned about various details and facts. This blog just expresses how and what I feel as a person.My thoughts and views may not match yours, they rarely will because we are two different individuals. I respect your thoughts and views and I hope you do to!!
Lunch Ideas
Good food definitely lifts up your mood.The icing on the cake is when it’s good food cooked by you. The weather is definitely competing against itself to outdo the temperatures every day. With the weather being hot and humid you end up craving for yummy yet simple food. I knew I had paneer (cottage cheese), […]
It doesn’t work any longer!!
Ever wanted to yell at someone at their chalta hain attitude? Save the energy for something constructive…just say, nahi chalta, humein nahi jamta!!
India, Please Liberate Me!!
We attained independence 70yrs ago. There are people who risk their everything to protect us. Their wages and benefits might be way lesser than what some of us get. Let their efforts not go in vain. Educate someone, feed someone, protect someone, be honest with someone, help someone!