3 simple and quick recipes for Diwali.
Diwali itself means indulgence.Indulgence in food and happiness.The vibes of Diwali itself are endearing.You don’t need to belong to a certain sect or community to celebrate Diwali. I have grown up experiencing the warmth, love and richness of Diwali.As I grew up on certain occasions I felt that we became too busy to celebrate Diwali […]
Here’s how you can tackle the forever changing climate.
The shift in temperatures definitely has a huge impact not only on our ecosystem but on our bodies too. In a span of 24 hours I moved from a 5-degree temperature to a 30-degree temperature and the aftermath followed. I think by now across the world, it must be known that the Mumbai weather has […]
Things desi parents said and my reaction to them!
I have always laughed out really loud in my head, when I hear myself say the same things to my son that my Mom would say to me. It is like karma or maybe like the Justin Timberlake song, “what goes around comes around”. I sometimes wonder if we could write a book on what […]
Eat,Pray,Love and Detox.
I have always loved to dance and enjoyed celebrating all festivals.There was never a rule put down in our Muslim household on which festival to celebrate and which to not.I once even turned my mom’s saris to celebrate Navratri and Diwali. As a child while my dad laid importance on academics and sports, I found […]