Telecommuting or remote work has more benefits than you think.
I have always fancied the art of telecommuting or working from home as it commonly referred to. Often, I considered the prospect of being a superhero and juggling it all. Little did I know, that when it comes to remote working, the grass is not really green on the other side. . Yet as parents, […]
Work skills that companies look for in their employees.
The lockdown has definitely got all our routines jumbled up. Our work skills have been impacted too. While I manage to showcase time-management, flexibility and multi-tasking even now, yet some of my work skills need revamping. Employers are always looking for people who have a good work experience and a great educational background. That is […]
Work from home tips to make the situation manageable.
I have never really been able to fathom what work-life balance really is? If work-life balance means missing on some trivial family things while I juggle work and other home chores, then yes, that is something I have been doing for a while now. We all have either skipped a meal, slept less or missed […]