Terms,I didn’t know as a new mother.
Pregnancy is the closest one can come to magic. The whole experience is often life changing for many of us. I remember as a new mother, how despite advises, there were a lot of terms from pregnancy that were new to me. It is magical and beautiful to have a life growing inside you.It is […]
Vaccinations during Pregnancy.
Vaccinations during Pregnancy Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a women’s life. The feeling of having another life grow within you in itself is awe-inspiring. Gradually you begin to realize that you are not only responsible for the well-being of yourself but also your child. Everything is interconnected with your baby. There […]
Foods to consume when pregnant!
Food is indeed the defining factor of our lifestyles. Whether its for fitness or for nutrition, food plays a major role in everything we want to do for our body. Food is the main source of nourishment in any stage of a person’s life. One of the most crucial phases in a woman’s life that […]
Gestational Diabetes and things you should know.
There was so much information I was coming across about this thing called gestational diabetes. I remember when I was expecting, I was asked by my gynecologist to get various blood tests and one of them involved checking about gestational diabetes. It definitely turned out negative and I was told that in most cases this […]